Inspiring Lifes By Sharing Christ
Bxl, Belgique
Sur Spotify
Matthieu 28:19

Allez, faites de toutes les nations des disciples, les baptisant au nom du Père, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit

Nouveau Testament


Hashtag Amen a pour commission de partager avec la terre entière, le témoignage de la Gloire du Christ Ressuscité encore à l’œuvre aujourd’hui.

Vision & strategy develop

No matter how great the idea trapped inside your head is, its realization depends on your ability to take action. I’ll help you develop your vision.

Consultancy & advicing

Part consultant, part motivational speaker, part therapist and part friend, coaches work people helping them define and achieve their.

leadership coaching

Identifying your zone of brilliance as a leader Developing what makes you indispensable to your clients and your organization.

Vous avez Besoins d’aide ?

I’ve got the energy and experience to help you pursue them. If you are ready to start taking decisive action, let’s chat.
La Vie Chrétienne

Au Quotidien

  • Save time – we focus on the details.
  • Save money – we help protect you from non-compliance issues.
  • Grow – you keep your focus on increasing revenue.
  • Retain control – you keep full control over your employees.


Include a few fun facts about your personal life, like this one: I know all the words to the opening song on Talent Roundup Day.
1 +
1 +
Success of
1 +
Expert team member
Les derniers


« Retrouvez tous les épisodes de #Amen sur notre page de podcast. Écoutez nos dernières paroles inspirantes de Christ, les témoignages de personnes transformées par la grâce de Dieu, et les réflexions bibliques édifiantes pour votre vie quotidienne. Utilisez les liens de partage pour partager votre épisode préféré avec vos amis et votre famille. »

La Playlist Gospel de la


In this context, our approach was to build trusted and strategic relationships within key sectors, with the goal of advancing health, trade and business outcomes.